Raw & Soul-revealing Portraiture

Albertz Benda
"Reflections" unites recent works by LA’s Lanise Howard and Oklahoma’s Robert Peterson, each known for their stirring Black portraits. Both artists possess Lucien Freud-like ability to reach into their subjects and reveal something particularly visceral or vulnerable. Howard’s ‘Waiting on a memory’ and Peterson "Saint Gregory" are genuine emotional tours de force - while the latter’s unusual application of color in Skin Noir and Soulful seems rife with metaphor.
"Reflections" unites recent works by LA’s Lanise Howard and Oklahoma’s Robert Peterson, each known for their stirring Black portraits. Both artists possess Lucien Freud-like ability to reach into their subjects and reveal something particularly visceral or vulnerable. Howard’s ‘Waiting on a memory’ and Peterson "Saint Gregory" are genuine emotional tours de force - while the latter’s unusual application of color in Skin Noir and Soulful seems rife with metaphor.
Chelsea, NYC June 8 - July 8, 2023 Hours Tues - Sat, 10 AM - 6 PM Photo Credit: Thomas Müller
albertz benda is thrilled to present a two-person exhibition of Lanise Howard and Robert Peterson, artists known for their exquisite paintings of people of color. Their paintings are intermingled throughout the gallery space, highlighting an interchange of ideas and motifs that span two distinct practices and allow each to shine individually. - Albertz Benda
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